Archive for May, 2007


Millions of years of evolution… and…

May 26, 2007

Browsing the front page of the SMH this morning, I come across this:

There’s lazy, and then there’s Las Vegas lazy.

In increasing numbers, Las Vegas tourists exhausted by the four miles of gluttony laid out before them are getting around on electric “mobility scooters.”

Don’t think trendy Vespa motorbikes. Think updated wheelchair.

Forking over about $40 a day and their pride, perfectly healthy tourists are cruising around Las Vegas casinos in transportation intended for the infirm.

Now, a year or two ago I would have got really angry in this post and swore and lashed out. I’ll hold back on all the anger… I’ll simply speak the truth and apologise if it sounds like lashing out. Because these fat, insolent, moronic, unthinking, pathetic excuses for human beings should be made to justify their continued existence – just like the shit of a city that they’re in.

Now I know that gambling can sometimes become an addictive sickness in some and I know that governments and companies are just as much to blame for this phenomenon as anyone else. But honestly – these morons travel to Las Vegas to lose their money (do they really think they’re going to win?) and then couldn’t even be bothered walking around these shithole casinos that they grace with their presence to feed their money (or loaned money) into this industry of shit.

Gambling is a scourge on our society. It is a disgustingly filthy concept that constitutes a centerpiece in the evolutionary backwater that is Las Vegas. Just when you think that we’ve hit rock bottom, it seems apt that a further slide away from true potential and glory should arise from this cesspool of gluttony.


Back shortly

May 16, 2007

I know it’s been about 3 weeks since I’ve posted here, but I’ve just started a new job and I’ve hit the ground running! I’ve been way too busy to sit down and think about stuff let alone write about it. But, I am slowly catching up and finding my comfort zone in relation to my new routine – so regular posts shall return starting early next week. Please stay tuned for those of you still reading.